- White on blue rounded square sign with the words STOP POLICE. Has handle on the back
- Aged and retro blue on white POLICE sign including screw holes and with chipped paintwork.
- Standard Australian police sign with blue and white check Can be hung or mounted
- Police car lights - flashing contemporary roof top vehicle lights - working.
- Assortment of police wallets and badges and ID cards with three photo IDs.
- Metallic, silver framed landscape painting or print. Features boats, stilted houses, and trees. A city reminiscent of Sydney forms the background.
- Black framed painting or print of an old and glorious port town. Miscellaneous boats and sailors form the foreground. The background consists of imposing white buildings. Colours are muted blues, greys, whites and pinks.
- Brown, wood framed portrait of a serene looking young child or toddler just out of bed, and getting dressed. Misted, soft colours.
- Brown wood and gold framed portrait of Jesus in rich, regal colours. Jesus holds an open bible or similar, and religious symbols float around his head.
- Black and white portrait of important looking man with wood frame and cream matt.
- Black and white portrait of important looking man with wood frame and cream matt.
- Black and white portrait of important looking man with wood frame and cream matt.
- Black and white portrait of important looking man with wood frame and cream matt.
- Portrait of President Coolidge in Oval Office