- Vintage green and white toy car with yellow wheels and steering wheels. Made of plastic.
- Various vintage style wall switches and power points. Black bakelite and wooden backing plates - wall mount
- Vintage wooden harlequin fold out chairs 2 with damaged timber handles/ 1 with orange plastic handles
- Vintage wooden ladder - 8 rung with metal cross section and rope support
- Gilt framed print of the Virgin Mary. Image includes Mary surrounded by a gold glow, roses and a flag. Colours are muted, and faded greens, golds, reds and yellows. The baby Jesus sits at her feet.
- Print or painting of the Virgin mother and child, in golds and blacks. Baby Jesus presented as a man-child. Piece looks aged, but in good condition.
- Black on yellow visitors work site protective helmet with black on yellow sticker Mark Latham for Prime Minister 2004
- NSW Volunteer Fire Brigade Association - Thankyou for your participation
- Waiting room chairs - blue- for use in hospitals/ waiting rooms/airports etc