- Hills Hoist Contemporary green Comes with star stake - but if heavy stand required SGN0843, additional $50.00 charge
- Galvanised Hills Hoist vintage 1960s Includes star stake - but if heavy stand required SGN0843, additional $50.00 charge Breaks down into 2 sections plus stand. Give 1 hour for set up.
- Galvanised hills hoist vintage 1960s Includes star stake - but if heavy stand required (SGN0843), additional $50.00 charge. Allow 1 hour for set-up.
- Browny-red, wood framed photo of a highway as seen through out of focus wire.
- Hi-Fi Analog 8 port splitter to run 8 monitors simultaneously
- Brow wood framed poster of "Les Fines Herbes/Herbs". Includes an assortment of different herbs such as rosemary, lavender and sage.
- Brown wood framed painting or print of a heart created with flowers and their stems, and the words "God could not be everywhere so he created mothers".
- Headset microphone, with headphones, for performance - 70's