- Aussie Highway Light - breaks down into 4 pieces - $800.00 per highway light - include sodium vapour bulbs plus stands
- Australian walk/don't walk lights Working - plug and play!
- Railway crossing warning light - This light needs to be assembled
- Street light with PVC sleeve cladding and plastic diffuser. Cladding cannot be removed. Single piece - does not break down for transportation. Will fit into a standard 3 tonne, 4.2 metre long truck
- Central Park or European Boulevard style street light (takes 300watt GES incandescent bulbs)
- European style street light - 24v regular power fitting - plug and play with 200watt ES incandescent bulbs.
- Old style street lights - takes incandescent bulbs - height 3150mm
- Street light for telegraph pole or wall mount (wired and tagged)
- Traffic light - single set - wired tagged and tested MANUAL CONTROL BOX - individual light switches
- US style traffic light must be hung by a chain 4 way traffic light
- Wired & working -yellow or green surround - attach to pole or traffic light (extra cost).