- Silver funky halogen desk lamp with non-flexible neck, and black chord.
- Retro red convertible with open top and a white feature down the side. Bonnet and hood can open.
- Black retro collectable chevrolet toy car on a black stand. Model has lots of detail.
- One red and one yellow sedan toy cars with openable doors. Both cars are made with detail in mind.
- Bulk lot of assorted toy cars ranging from vintage models to a combi van to a mini.
- Red retro fire truck powered by friction. Complete with original box, three firepeople and a silver extendable ladder.
- One retro wind up tram car with original box and one "Blue Lion Beer" yellow double-decker bus.
- Two predominantly red toy motorbikes in the style of a Harley Davison or similar.
- Collection of toy cars in varying condition and including some army vehicles, tow trucks, and convertibles.
- Collection fo four model war planes. Three have propellers and one has jets.
- A collection of ten model war planes with various markings including conventional green, and white with black spots and jungle camouflage and the like.
- Model Luke Skywalker's space ship complete with R2D2 ready to make repairs as required.
- Set of boy orientated, Western themed, vintage art materials including a paint box.
- Selection of three NASA-styel space craft models including a silver space ship, and standard NASA space craft.
- Selection of three model aircraft including two fighter jets and one commercial jet plane.
- Miscellaneous mix of aged and vintage toys that may have been given out at a carnival as a prize for winning on "The Clowns" or similar. Toys include "Gay new" transfers, "Busy Bee" toy, attached to fishing line and a stick, and a cricket scorer.
- Pair retro wind-up toy robots. One cream-coloured with face-like features, and one black with a plastic dome for a head.
- Wooden semi-trailer with moveable wheels. Semi has no carry container on the back, only a trailer.
- Pair of black fortune telling balls. If you shake them, a "window" in the ball reveals your fortune in response to your question, with phrases like "without a doubt".
- Vintage green and white toy car with yellow wheels and steering wheels. Made of plastic.
- Aged, vintage model of a black donkey pulling a brick-red "Expresso" cart. Made from a heavy looking metal.
- Model of a horse drawn single seat carriage suitable for a dignitary, or the Pope or similar. Cart has a cross on the top. Horse is brown, cart is brightly painted in red and yellows.
- Three vintage wind-up toys including an elephant, squirrel and robot. Toys look aged with some paint missing.
- Collection of rubix cubes. Eight have coloured squares and two have numbered. Some are in excellent condition, and some show signs of wear and tear.
- Aged model of a revolver or similar with significant detail. Made of wood and metal.
- Two Elvis, and one Jesus plastic dolls. Elvis dolls can be attached to wall with a suction pad.
- Modern model of a red semi-trailer with white storage container on the back emblazoned with the words" Power. Tanker" and "Container".
- Brown tartan soft retro suitcase with buckles and zippered compartments.
- Pair retro roller stakes with attached fluro and orange black sneakers to put your foot in.
- Pair retro and aged, black booted roller stakes, with red wheels and stopper.
- Pair white ice skates, sized for an older child or young teen. In good condition, with only slight signs of wear and tear.
- Pair black roller blades with green wheels and blue and green features. Sized for an adult or older teen.