- Teapot with sugar and creamer set - cow design - still in box
- Ceramic serving plate - white with royal blue stripe around edge - Slightly cracked
- Retro 50's ceramic teapot, cream coloured with green flower and lid
- White on black rectangular business opening hours sign monday through saturday
- Retro Gold on black metallic Bass Finest Ale on draught advertisement sign with corner holes for nailing to wall or other and which includes the words William Bass and Company Brewers in Burton on Trent since 1777
- White on grey rectangular Morgue room sign with words justified left and underlined in white
- White on grey rectangular Radiotherapy room sign with centred wording
- White on grey rectangular hospital room Morgue sign with centred wording
- White on grey rectangular Physiotherapy room sign name with centred wording
- White on red rectangular hospital room sign STATE CENTRAL COMMAND DIVISION
- Black and red on tan medical flue hygiene sign or notice with wording NOTICE for the protection of patients visitors and staff due to the flu outbreak please note the following etc
- Black and red on grey medical hygiene sign with wording STOP patients visitors and staff please use the hand hygiene gel etc and sign includes words and an image