- Contemporary cane mat with dark green border. Large strips of cane broken with smaller green blue orange stripe pattern
- Contemporary cane mat with green border. Cane stripes broken up with smaller green orange white striped pattern
- Very large timber blackboard - same blackboard as EDU0019 but comes with detachable feet $150.00
- Contemporary brown cane mat with chocolate brown material border.
- Old style vintage timber mailboxes for a block of flats
- Old galvanised tin letterbox with number '59A' on it and the name 'Pete Smith' written in black marker
- US style red mailbox with little pop up flag - includes pole (DEL0070)
- Homemade mailbox - made out of black plastic water/fuel container with hole cut out for postage
- US style letterbox - metal with pop up flag - and the name 'Dalton' written on the side
- Old white metal letterbox on a stand - bit rusty - with the number '81' written on it
- Various harmonica's plus holder to play harmonica whilst performing