- Black and white portrait of important looking man with wood frame and cream matt.
- Black and white portrait of important looking man with wood frame and cream matt.
- Brown wood and gold framed portrait of Jesus in rich, regal colours. Jesus holds an open bible or similar, and religious symbols float around his head.
- Brown, wood framed portrait of a serene looking young child or toddler just out of bed, and getting dressed. Misted, soft colours.
- Black framed painting or print of an old and glorious port town. Miscellaneous boats and sailors form the foreground. The background consists of imposing white buildings. Colours are muted blues, greys, whites and pinks.
- Metallic, silver framed landscape painting or print. Features boats, stilted houses, and trees. A city reminiscent of Sydney forms the background.
- Assortment of police wallets and badges and ID cards with three photo IDs.
- Police car lights - flashing contemporary roof top vehicle lights - working.
- Two white on black PUBLIC ORDER AND RIOT SQUAD signs one smaller and in mirror image.
- White on blue rounded square sign with the words STOP POLICE. Has handle on the back
- Aged and retro blue on white POLICE sign including screw holes and with chipped paintwork.
- Standard Australian police sign with blue and white check Can be hung or mounted
- Police paperwork including photos of males as may be used for a photo line up and Wanted posters and various envelopes.
- Series of police related pamphlets covering topics including different drugs and Drink driving the facts and responsible gun ownerships and some pamphlets are in different languages.
- Mix of police pamphlets on topics including Neighbourhood Watch and Code of Practice and the Police credit union and Police Service Weekly.
- Set of police notebooks suitable for carrying in pocket and recording eyewitness testimonies or similar and including top opening and side opening notebooks with predominantly black covers
- Black on silver police nameplates for varied police sections suitable for outside an office or similar and including STATE POLICE SERVICE and corporate infrastructure Human services and State Crime Command and so on. $60 for full set
- Six white on blue police name signs suitable for display outside an office or similar including Det Const Pickles and Dct Sgt Joe Dooley and so on.
- Miscellaneous array of official police folders and large envelopes in greens and reds and blacks
- Silver metal police folder containing ruler and tweezers and Evidence Property paperwork and a black satchel.
- Set of police fines or infringement notices including envelopes addressed to the Director state Debt Recovery Office.
- Mix of black police clipboards and pockets or notebooks including official paperwork.
- Police metallic clipboard and folder including an incident form and crime scene evidence form.
- Mix of police batons or similar ranging from aged to contemporary and including carved pieces made from varying woods and one made of black metal.
- North State Police - special forces course certificate
- Police award - Outstanding Services - see ruler for scale