- Pair black roller blades with green wheels and blue and green features. Sized for an adult or older teen.
- Pair black roller blades, sized for an adult or older teen. With cream wheels, and red features.
- Roll of plastic bags - retail for fruit and vegetables
- Vintage rocket carousal in bright carnival colours and where the top can be spun and the rockets can spin out around a central stand
- Robotic animals including a bronze parrot and a silver cat and an olive dog.
- Brown wood framed with white matt painting or print of a tree lined roadway.
- Gold framed painting of river with rich autumn coloured trees on small island and around. Cloudy but bright day with sun shining through.
- Bright yellow silver and black retro dial payphone or Easiphone for local call only requiring payment of 5 and 2 cent pieces.
- Blue Brother, retro typewriter with hard, black plastic cover. Cover includes handle allowing ease of transport.