- Escher painting - Peeled heads and bubbles - 18th Century
- Aged, gold framed painting or print of an ethereal forest landscape including pool of water. Colours are all gold-hued.
- Solid first Eucharist certificate awarded to Pina Zappulla on the 22 October, 1972. In muted colours.
- "Ommen 66" - Holland Road distance sign - European
- Executive Desk post -it holder weighted - dark grey plastic
- Exterior Drive Through intercom for fast food outlets. Not Prac.
- Aged, brown wood frame, with cream matt photo of a factory or similar with lots of metal walkways and containers.
- Aged, brown wood frame, with cream matt photo of a factory or similar with lots of metal pipes and cylindrical storage containers.
- Aged, brown wood frame, with cream matt aerial photo of the Queensland Alumina project at Gladstone.
- Brown, wood framed with cream matt photo of boilers at the Collinsville Power station in Queensland.
- Aged, brown, wood framed with cream matt colour photo of a factory or similar, with scaffolding covering the wall.