- Clock Radio - National Panasonic - flip clock with dial radio - white plastic
- Timber, cantilevered flag pole - can be mounted on walls
- Five single coloured hand held flags including two green and one white and one blue and one red
- Metallic silver framed fishing town painting or print. Picture dominated by muted, winter's sky, and some houses.
- Assorted vintage wicker fishing creels - priced from $12-$35 each - depending on size etc
- Very large fishbowl - 40cm tall - 48cm diameter - can come with pebbles, fish tank accessories etc.
- Gold framed blue bordered black on white evacuation plan
- Red retro fire truck powered by friction. Complete with original box, three firepeople and a silver extendable ladder.
- "Fire Door - Emergency Only. Violators subject to discipline" - fire sign
- Fire extinguisher sign for wood, paper and rubbish fires
- Fire extinguisher sign for oil and electrical fires
- Fire extinguisher sign for foam fires "Not For Electrical Fires"
- Fire extinguisher sign for Dry Chemical fire extinguisher
- Fire extinguisher sign for Dry Chemical fires
- "Warning dry cell extinguisher - Do not use on an electrical fire" - sign
- Fire extinguisher - multi-purpose - dry chemical
- All purpose fire extinguisher - stainless steel
- Fire extinguisher - stainless steel - all purpose
- Fire extinguisher - stainless steel - all purpose
- Fire - emergency door release and fire alarm bell - plus fire blanket
- Finger print dusting kit or similar in grey compartmentalised case with three varying sized dusting brushes and test tube samplers and other related items.
- Vintage timber filing shelves - size approximately 750mm high x 600mm across = $60 eacg